Fire Extinguishers (use of)
Provides basic knowledge of causes and spread of fire, how to identify and select correct first aid fire appliance for dealing with fire, how to operate it correctly while maintaining personal safety.
Course information
Key learnings
Contents of the course includes:
- Fire Safety Legislation
- Theory of combustion (fire triangle)
- Causes of fire and how it spreads
- Fire prevention and control measures
- Classes of fire
- Types of extinguishers and their uses
- Action in the event of fire and personal safety
- Practical exercises using fire extinguishers
To provide candidates with a basic knowledge of the causes and spread of fire, how to identify and select the correct first aid fire appliance (FAFA) for dealing with that fire, and how to operate it correctly while maintaining personal safety.
Additional information
We can only set off water and CO2 extinguishers in customers premises.
Course duration
Half Day Course
Course dates
Specific Date
Course type
In person
Course provider
Evolve Training
Approved Training Provider